Gorgin4325 VS Sony Ericson Challenge

Desert Lizard
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I've been waiting for one of the newly promoted intermidates to post a trip report, but CAN'T wait any longer..

First off we met at Al Badayer shops and deflated, some 25 cars with the Marshals. Bu Salem took the lead with Hassan right behind him, while Faisal was on rescue and Zico on sweep. The new intermidates were at the forefront right after Hassan, and everyone else took a place in the long file.

Off we started on a good note, and 9 minutes down the drive we had our first stop (opposite to 3 minutes in the MiniMe Challenge).. so thigns weren't bad at all. Given the number of cars, the terrain and the varyety of driving skills this drive was really promising..

And Bu Salem delivered the promise.. It was a roller coaster on the sand filled with pure driving fun. Some really big bowls and high dunes were put to good use by our long convoy.. and I feel sorry for any one who decides to follow our tracks.

I personally enjoyed it so much since my car had her spirit energized. I think this time team Gorgin toon on the Sony Ericson Challenge and emerged victorious, with a big smile and a mouthful of sand.

Thank you Almost for a really fun adventure.
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Dear Almosters, thanks for another amazing trip.
Bu Salem, you took us on an amazing journey to areas I have not been before. The Iftar bowl, Super bowl and Bu Salem bowl we conquered them all :-)
Apart from a few stucks and a pop out, I think we all delivered a great performance! Thank you Gorgin and Marshalls for organizing this trip!

Please see below link for some pics of the Gorgin vs Sony Ericson Challenge
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 2cdaa31bdd

Gorgin, I hope you enjoyed the trip and wish you all the best in the US.

See you all in the sand,

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Bu Adam
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A mix of bitter and sweet the trip was, it's sad knowing that one of my dearest Almosters is leaving us, a guy like George will be missed, it is always a pleasure to get to know such a character, Wish you all the best my friend,
Now and in regards to the drive itself, it was amazing, I have never been to some of the areas we drove in, and I was happy that my baby (my XJ) didn't fail me at all, and actually she did a great job, the high climbs, the sharp drops and the soft sand was all there for us to enjoy,
Thanks to our great Leader and Marshals, I have experienced another great drive that will be in my memories for a long long time,
Missed some of the old veterans such as Diver and Betty Boo, but I hope they'll join us soon,
Thank you Almosters, see you all soon
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The sun is shining and the air is cool …… hello winter …. Hellooffroad season ……. It was a fantastic drive non the least spearheaded by AbuSalem, Faisal on Recovery and Abu Tarek as sweep!

It was an outing to say bon voyage to our good friend Georgeand as well as a welcome drive for the new intermediates ….. a few stucks andpop outs from the new intermediates but nothing which really held us up tocomplete the full 7 point stretch ……. Welcome to the big boys league!!!! …. Thisis how we play!!! …… not much chitchat ….. just drive!!!!

The convoy was dominated by Toyota FJ’s ……. The stucks weremostly from FJ’s as well ……. Hehehe …….

Abu Salem never fails to disappoint when he pushes thelimits ……. Roller coaster style on the high dunes …… fast paced cresting andside sloping ……. A very good mixture of technicality and difficulty …. Both ofwhich will challenge the capabilities of the car and the driver ……

I was very happy on how my car performed that day …….. aperfect ice breaker for the new season

Cheers and keep the sand flying
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What a drive..... As Bu Salem promised that it will be one of the most memorable drive of Almost, he kept his promise. As an intermediate, it was my first drive along with some fellow almosters who was also recently promoted to Intermediate level (Zarir and Roby). Well, we started bit late (around 7.45am) but the pace of the drive was very smooth apart from few hiccups and we covered above 50km area as per the promose of our marshal. The whole drive was mix of everything. High Dune climbing, big bowls, ditches, side cresting, and much more. Area 53 was well conquered by the team Almost and I must admit that there were few areas, i have never been there before specially the area of Bu Salem Bowl. It was really amazing and thrilling.

For me, as a first drive on intermediate leve, i must say that our level of intermediate is much higher than other clubs (where i have driven as intermediate) and one must be 100% ready to join this level rather than starting as intermediate.

George, my friend, it is hard to fill up the gap of your departure to US but I wish you all the best and for Sure ALMOST FAMILY will miss you a lot. It was always a fun to drive with you duirng past 9 months.

In the end, a Special Thanks to Faisal, Hassan and Zicco to handle such a huge convoy of (almost 23 cars) on this level. Your efforts and dedication was marveoulous. Also thanks to our senior members like Ilyas, DL and Rashid.

And a special tribute to our Grand Marshal, Bu Salem for giving us such a wonderfull treat full of excitment and thrilling experience. Cant wait to join next adventure.
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thanks everybody for not leaving one word for me to say :016:

anyway , all the best for george in U.S hope to continue contacting us in the future :047:

thanks for everyone for everything, i dont know what am saying :005: got stuck in wording :022:
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First. Gorgin good luck with everything. Im bad with expressing feeling. but when I like someone I hold there hand. if you want I can hold your hand and walk in dubai mall :s
ok being serious. few times in life comes that we meet a friend like you. I mean kind of good friend :P maybe I will come there and we can go mud driving.

Second. The Drive. it was an experience for me. I learnt few things from it. Thank you for the advises to all the marshals and specially from my friend DL. just couldn't figure out why he kept asking me for juice :P
I got one crest stuck. and one pop out. I dedicate them to Gorgin. and thanks for all who helped.

over all. amazing group. friends family which ever you want to call it. amazing drive. totally new places for me. or new style.

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Gorge … I’ll miss you DALILY. Now you know what does it mean for sure.:033:

Please don’t forget to provide at least your e-mail address to keep in touch bro…:047:

About the Trip,
Bu Salem.. the track was simply amazing.:008:

I’ll write my passenger’s evaluation on this.

“Bu Sara” was impressed with:

* The SAFETY precautions were taken before and during the drive such as.. (convoy arrangement, leader instructions, distance kept while off-roading, good communication over the radio, ….etc).:045:

* He liked the one hand family too when George wanted to drive alhanai’s FJ and when Rashid had a problem with his x-terra.

* The way Miss D was offroading and handling her FJ:048: (because he has FJ as well).
He said it’s really hard to see a lady who has this much of offroading skills, I replied “she is an ALMOSTER”.:015:

I was telling him about this community since I joined, and finally got the chance to pull him for this drive.

For me personally, It was nice feeling while hearing his comments about almost4x4 and almosters.:057:

Thank you family.. I’m proud of you all. :cheerful:

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What an amazing drive!!! :028:

I had been away from the big boys for a while… and I’m glad to be back now! I was glad to see the new Intermediates performing so well …:045::045::045:
Yes it was a drive dominated by FJs… and even though FJs had a few stucks… I wouldn’t be bad and start my list of stuff the Jeepers couldn’t do…:005:
As promised.. Shamsi gave us a fun filled drive… and yes this was fully action packed drive!
Loved the big bowls, high dunes, sharp cresting, etc… I did miss the Bu Salem Bowl … but will conquer it next time! :013:

Oh yes… I cannot forget how every time a FJ would get stuck/pop-out … all would think its MISS D…ggrrrr :055:
Until Finally I had to do it! Got stuck at same place twice!!! Capri I missed you..xxx :060:

Loads of thanks to Faisal & Abu Tariq for always being around as guardian angels to help all….:047:
Loads of love to all the member who joined the drive and special thanks to Bu Hamdan ,,, loved his chit chat on the radio and his help whenever needed…and oh yes,,, he supplied me with the CHOCOLATE TOOTHPASTE :005:

Until next time… miss u all & see you soon!

George... u r my special friend.. i remember you from my 1st trip.. how you were helping me to learn about all the magic buttons i had in the FJ & how to get into 4x4 gear... YES u all.. i knew nothing!

Will miss u a lot and hope to see you someday soon... take care and love you forever!

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Dear Members

Gorgin is one of the greatest members of our society, I’m sorry for the people who missed him. Just after his upgrade from Newbie to Intermediate you would find Gorgin there to help and support the new comers. It is so strange that Gorgin joined our club as my passenger and left it as my passenger too. I remember the first conversation we had on the phone where he was not sure about this hobby so I suggested him to join me as a passenger and see if he is going to like it or not. While I was driving I could see that he was developing some tension so I told him “Trust me I know what I’m doing“ well I think that was his begnning with off-roading. Since that time Gorgin showed FULL dedication to his new hobby and forgetting his old hobby “Flying Helicopters “. One more thing I would like to add, Gorgin never driven with any other club except ALMOST4X4 not because it is not allowed, it is because he has full trust & loyalty for his second family.

Sony Ericson Challenge was dedicated for the only GORGE OF THE DESERT. Although the drive was decided to be for 10 cars only, his batch requested to join also some of his good friends too so ended up with 23 cars. We had to level of intermediates (Old & New ) So I needed to balance the level, We did around 60+ km. which covered the 9 HIGHEST POINTS in that area with many interesting places like ( The Golden Dunes, Iftar Bowl, Super Bowl, The pyramids and The Roller Costar Drop). Sorry Guys /Girls we couldn’t do the Bu Salem Bowl due to the timing but I promise you that we are going to do it soon.

I hope that everyone enjoyed the drive and I would like to thank all the marshals who attended this drive ( Zico, Faisal AlThahab & Hassan ).I’m not going to say goodbye but I’m going to say SEE YOU SOON Gorge.

Adventurous League of Mountains, Oceans and Sand Thrills
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