Go Fast 3

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Hello fellow off-road enthusiasts,

I'm thrilled to share my recent off-roading adventure in Nahil, UAE, where we embarked on an adrenaline-fueled journey through the rugged terrains of this renowned area. Here's a recap of our unforgettable experience!

The day began with an air of excitement as our group gathered for the adventure ahead. We met at 14:00 to deflate our tires, preparing our vehicles for the challenging terrain that awaited us. With a large group of enthusiastic off-roaders, we divided into two convoys to ensure a smooth and organized experience.

One convoy was led by the seasoned off-road expert @rapailo , who was supported by the experienced duo @rashidjass and @mabubaker. The other convoy was helmed by either @shamsi or @optimus and helped by @scorpio. The collective expertise and guidance of these leaders instilled confidence in us and set the stage for an epic off-roading escapade.

Nahil is well-known for its treacherous dunes and sharp edges, a fact emphasized by Rapailo during the pre-drive briefing. Fully aware of the challenges that lay ahead, we eagerly embarked on our journey, fueled by a sense of adventure and the desire to conquer the unforgiving terrain.

As the wheels started rolling, we wasted no time in immersing ourselves in the exhilarating experience. Moving at a brisk pace, we engaged in a series of side cresting maneuvers, navigating the shifting sands. The intensity of the moment was such that I even switched off the music, allowing myself to fully focus on the task at hand.

However, no off-road adventure is without its challenges, and I encountered one such obstacle during a long crest. Due to a slight misjudgment in speed and a failure to anchor one of my wheels properly, my vehicle began to slide. Sensing the urgency, Rapailo and Rashid swiftly guided me through the recovery process, explaining the nuances of executing a softer approach. Equipped with this valuable knowledge, we quickly got back on track, ready to conquer the next hurdle.

"Go Fast" is more than just a catchy phrase; it's a mindset of constant learning and growth. Each time I participate in these off-road drives, I find myself facing new challenges that push me beyond my comfort zone. The camaraderie and support within this off-road family only heighten the experience, as we learn from each other.

Reflecting on this remarkable journey, I can't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the ALMOST 4x4 community. The opportunity to drive alongside experienced leaders, the thrill of conquering daunting terrains, and the bonds formed with like-minded individuals make these off-road adventures truly unforgettable.

Until our next off-roading escapade, where new lessons await and the spirit of adventure thrives, I wish you all safe travels and memorable drives.

Best regards,
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Dear all..

here is what i have to say about the drive..pls enjoy

thank you
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Hi everyone!

Go Fast 3 did not disappoint any driver regardless of their level. Interm included.

I was positioned within Optimu's convoy magnificently led by himself supported by both Shamsi and Scorpio. Selected playground is well-known by everybody at this stage but still, the more we come the more we enjoy and there is always something new in the menu. I love Nahil’s area.

I was honored, again, as second lead with privilege view on Marshal’s performance. This is the best by far as explained many times before so, I would recommend our newbie members to start making some noise in the main chat for securing this position (i.e. just say “Coopers rules and Kumho sucks” and that’s it. Or the other way round, depending on who is leading the convoy) (LOL)

Now seriously, I was impressed with Optimus’ lines precision, trimming the dunes with a FJ razor at a decent speed close to Interm’s pace. Decisions made in milliseconds and small corrections on his way very difficult to be spotted from the back. Seamless transitions between chains of dunes only avoiding the difficult crests on purpose for allowing our newbies to have fun on a safe way.

I had a lot of fun following him trying to stay as closer as possible within the safety limits. I was told, “stay close” and this is what I did so I watched the movie in 4K HD.

Just before we got started, I heard on the radio coming from the boss something like “optimus, push” (don’t recall the exact words) and Godfather launched like one of those hellcats: It started like a bullet on the flat doing some arches and that was just the beginning... after a couple of min, I said to myself. “oh mamma, this is going to be hard at the back” and I saw the gap between my tail and the car behind growing and growing. And this was recurrent during most of the drive.

Convoy was pushed to its limits, and it was clear that something else is being cooked in the kitchen. 3hrs drive with pretty much half moving and half stopped gives a hint on the drive difficulty.

All in all, everything went well, with the heat already among us and no one willing to miss any upcoming drive.

Thanks to the remaining Marshals for showing up (Rapailo, Rashid and Mabubaker) and my fellow "inter-mates".

See you soon
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Hi everyone,

Coming to the drive and seeing this huge amount of people, was sometime ago for me, so it was a very pleasant scenery.
The amount of marshals and support allowed for two convoys and this made thru to the name: Go Fast!!!

Optimus didn't say a word too much and there we go. Immediately the pace was high and gradually the level increased, till a point that I was wondering if it was still +10 driving cool

Amazing lead and a very good performance from everyone allowed for this and without any remarkable situations we finished on time.

I absolutely loved the drive with this style of leading.

Thank you everyone,

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Hello everyone,

I missed a lot of very good intermediate drives recently due to absence and I did not want to miss this high level 10+ drive as I will be away again in few days. Being away also means getting rusted too. So I thought this drive will be a good thirst quencher as well oiling the engine, I will then dream the sand and the drive in coming weeks while I am away. Thanks to Optimus accepting me this drive despite to the system glitch on me at 100 milliseconds after 6PM on the registration day.

We had high number of newbies, intermediates and marshals and the result was two convoys. Ours is led by Optimus and monitored by Scorpio and Al Shamsi. Carlos was the second lead and I was the sweeping tail. As the name of the drive says, it was fast with large climbs, side crests, and with soft sand at times. Some climbs required pedal to the metal approach, and some car's electronics kicked in limiting the power or gearing-up. We had good number of second tries, but we did not end up pulling the rope or fixing a pop-out. All of this is a good indication of the nature of the drive, but it falls short of describing the path chosen by Optimus. And also big congratulations to newbie fellows for their performance.

Big thanks to all the marshals and the founder for having us yet another great day.

Looking forward to see everyone again, on the sand....
Warning: Sand is addictive... and also the sea salt.
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Hello All,
The Go Fast series already has some history - and yet again, it did not disappoint! :) The goal and setup is well known - give the newbies a little feel of how the next level drives may look like :)

And boy, it did - the drive was, as the name suggests - fast straight from the beginning, and full of "intermediate" elements - long arches, side crests, long traverses in soft sand, and many many climbs.

@optimus did not leave any of the large dunes untouched, and @alshamsi_m and @scorpio made sure the convoy was safe and sound at all times. At the back of the convoy the track was slightly more challenging / chewed up "a bit" (as @Carlos commented) - we had a few second tries, but overall nobody got stuck and all finished the drive craving for more - 2.5 hours passed by so quickly. My back on the way to Dubai continued to remind me of the fun we just had ;)

We managed to catch a few glimpses of the second convoy led by @Rapaillo - as I understood they also had great fun :)

Special thanks to our Marshalls and Intermediates who showed up in great number, allowing for all the waitlisted Newbies (incl. me - thank you @optimus!) to be accepted into this great drive. With summer travel period approaching I definitely did not want to miss the chance for "one last drive" :)

Overall we drove for 2.5h (40 min stopped) and covered 41km.

See you in the sand!
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Hello everyone!!! brigade.baka-wolf.com

Perhaps I will start my trip report with the well-known expression "Beware of your desires, they tend to come true", as my teacher of higher mathematics at the university always told me thumbsup
Well, last Saturday on the "Go fast 10+"drive, I experienced all the delights of this expression in full. To be honest, i really missed the drives and when I saw the post for 10+, I immediately registered, despite the fact that something inside told me, "Vika, are you sure?" But we always want what we are afraid of and the answer was, of course, YES !!!! pacman

After the morning drive, after a little rest, I rushed to the afternoon drive. Arriving at the meeting point and going to the briefing, I saw all the participants and then I realized the seriousness of the situation, but it was too late to turn back. With the support of a large number of marshals and intermediates, we were divided into two convoys. The first, under the leadership of @optimus and the support of @m_alshamsi and @scorpio, where I was assigned, and the second, under the leadership of @rapaeilo and support of @rashid and @abubaker

Having clearly listened to the briefing, I already experienced tremors in my whole body. @Carlos is the second lead, and here you are, I am the third car, my friend and brother @Tom is behind me, thanks God, at least something good you're kidding, right

In just the first few seconds after the start, especially after the Shamsi's phrase: "Shoot, Optimus, shoot on", I fell out of life and remembered all the worst words in all languages ​​that I had ever known. The speed, the size of the dunes, the complexity of the elements, then I don’t remember anything. The first stop, and I almost fell out of the car, I couldn’t walk, my body was numb, everything was trembling inside, the earth was leaving my feet, but the state of happiness and adrenaline cannot even be closely compared with the state of fear and uncertainty. Immediately, I remembered Shamsi's words about Optimus, "this is a man who says little, but does a lot", it would be good to remember this before registration :omg:
It is very difficult for me to say anything about the level of this drive, since this was the first time with me, but I am extremely grateful to the professional club itself, and above all, to Shamsi for everything he taught us, and above all, do not fight gravity, it will certainly win, leave your Ego at home, it will destroy you and cause fatal mistakes. As a conclusion, I want to say that I did not complete most of the elements due to my incompetence in the first place, but at least I did it safely. I am very grateful to all participants for their support. And it's really cool sometimes to be a weak girl among strong men :innocent:
I am very happy to be a part of this club, to be among professionals and under their careful supervision :;^^:

In the meantime, I still have to learn more and more and more!!!

Thank you so much everyone, it was great!!!

Huge thanks to everyone who made this drive possible!!!

Till the next time in 10- grin

Yours Vika in love
"The most effective way to do it, is just to do it"
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Hi almosters,

I feel jealous from the new batch of newbies, they are lucky to have such a fast and thrilling drive. Amazing track with amazing lead.

Enjoy watching

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