Eggs in Basket Game - X

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Dear Almosters,

During this EIB game, I had some very nice experience thumbsup Started promising.., but successfully failed to make the waypoints. In fact I did one.. towards the end yaeh am not durnk

Before my report, I would like to share a big THANK YOU to organizers, audience, challengers and to everyone involved in making this even happen.
  • Last year I was audience, this year, I had a chance to compete.. next year maybe I will finish it also grin
I started promising, eager, when @alshamsi gave the ‘”go.. go.. go signal” .
  • Easy navigation through some series of dunes, then I found a track… which seemed to be leading to my first sticker.. .. I tried to follow ... then in exactly 27 seconds .. I hear in radio again @alshamsi ..” danutz get off the track “ :you_re_kidding_right:
Didn’t work.. so I went the opposite way .. and happy.. no problem.. let’s divert a bit. Wrong move.. :TT_TT: after a series of dunes, I was not sure I was pointing in the right direction and after a quick recalibration of my phone.. I managed to correct it and arrow was pointing inline with my car move. Now the problem was different.. in front of me some bigger dunes.. seemed not enough space to catch up some speed, so I though, let’s go around. I did it one time, two times, then around become “the around” of the next around.. and so forth.. not further than 5-6 minutes, I realized, I was going away from my point, rather than closing in. Change of strategy.. :have_a_nice_day:

When I decided to change, I managed to get stuck .. in a relatively flat area.. tried a bit going in front, reverse.. no worries, I will get out.. did in the past. :slow: Then the time was passing without moving the car and got anxious.. accelerated more.. and boy that was the worst move. Now car is sitting on its belly.. so my old friend “shovel” had to be brought in. I was advised in the beginning.. “make your shovel ready”.. I was amused.. I tried to prove myself wrong.. but in the end.. here I was digging…. and digging.. and this is pretty much my event. A true digging “event” you're kidding, right

I’m happy I managed to get to first point finally.. 2 min before closing time.. and didn’t give up... In the end it was fun.

My takeaways:
  • when stuck a bit.. deflate more and try again.. SLOWLY.. so that sand doesn’t reach to the belly of the car.
  • going around may not be the best strategy in the EIB as it takes time and after all you have to cross the dunes..
  • when feel stuck, stay calm and assess, rather than forcing.. and don’t get angry.. calm will take you out
To close my report, I would like to encourage everyone to participate in EIB, have fun as it’s a nice area to test yourself. In the end it’s about enjoying the area, the car and trying to be ones with the desert.

PS. can’t wait for next year EIB games

Thank you,
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The long awaited EIB OF 2022

After the long wait and GPS Doubts between Newbies the day has finally come to challenge ourselves.

Arriving to one of my favorite deflating points ( because we normally end up in al qudra afterwards which is close to home 😂)to see the usual suspects in this extended family and a few fresh newbies for the first time.

Time flu by till the famous “gather up gather up” by @alshamsi_m is called and everyone is listening carefully for the rules of the game an wondering about the last rule that we will figure it later in the game.

2 convoys were former, one for the challengers and the other for the audience led by @Daggerfall . I was so excited to head to the playground so I rushed for a short 2nd lead behind @alshamsi_m till we reached the starting point which is on top of a small dune. Looking at the starting point, I was thinking, Abu Salem left us with with 2 options, either to cross half of the dune as instructed and wait for his go ahead “ and you don’t get to see the track, at least for FJs” or you stop at the top and get crested to start with 😂 which the first car did.

Moving on with collecting the coordinates and thanks again for @alshamsi_m & @Mabubaker for clearing my doubts regarding coordinates format. I plugged the coordinates in my GAIA app which I have been using on almost every drive since the beginning so it's familiar by now and calculated my route which was 3.3km only.

Heading to the start point and off I go with the excitement overload to realize we were just let go in a land mine!! What a tricky area to drive while the clock is ticking. But I assumed my sequence was easy as I crossed the first 2 checkpoints easily, but I figured later that was because I was driving up the wind, when I turned to head towards my third and furthest checkpoint I was driving in soft sand all the way. A couple of stucks and second tries which costs sometime but thankfully that's not a problem for the FJ. As told on the first day, FJ driver will have to dial a few button and off they go, and so I did and didn't have to leave my seat to self recover.

Only then I realized that driving in 4lo is the most suitable for this terrain and stupidly I thought that's the rule we will figure inside the game 😂😂 Until I reach the smilest face of almost 4x4 @Laarni and apparently a great artist too. I thought they were joking about the eggs till I started digging to find all remaining 5 eggs before mine 🙈.

Found my egg at last and headed to the finish line where @rapailo & Viktoria we're kind enough to sit on top of the car to be easily spotted. Did my dounut check and off to the start point.

I was sure I am not in the top 3 as I took sometime to recover everytime I got stuck, but I learned a lot and enjoyed the game. The only thing I regret is that I couldn’t stay longer for the sunset with the gang.

Looking forward to challenge again next year.

Last but not least thanks to the one and only Bu Salem, all of the interms for burning in dust at the check points, lara for the beautiful artwork, and the rest of the crew for making this happen.

Till next time

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What a day
Me and @CARLOSS were at point number one which I think we sow most of the stucks.
It was such a nice day that I forgot that it was summer.
What made it great was the participants, they all drove with high spirits and no one gave up on there shovels.
@CARLOSS Did rescue me from facing a giant bush while I was trying to straight crest to make it hard for challengers. I faced a giant bush which was no way to get away from. Also I was on 25psi 😇😇
I wish I could have staid till camp spot but I ended up have to go to meeting at 7:30pm.
Congratulations to all, I know you loved it and wish to do the same thing every week.
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Hey almosters
EIB what an amazing day it was 🤩
For me it was an awesome experience and I would like to thank Abu salim and Rashidjass for pushing me to be a challenger 😁
Actually I was registered in EIB as an observer but in the meeting point Shamsi came to me and asked me if I want to play the game because I didn’t play it before ( last year I was a time taker )
Honestly I feel like he is pushing me in front of the train playing this game with my big bus GMC 😅
So really I was thinking should I do it or no 🤔
psychologically I wasn’t ready I had a plans on my mind to enjoy the show and make a good video for the event now suddenly I am one of the victims 😆and while all the ideas jumping in my head Rashidjass look at me with a big smile on his face and said come on play it, so I told him If you want me to do it I will do it, he said yes 😎so that was my story how I ended up as a challenger 😄
I was number 11 in the challengers and when Shamsi gave me my coordinates paper according to my position he was smiling 😁 ooops
Was it an 😇 smile or 😈one 😅
Off we went one by one, my strategy was to finish the game not to go very fast and end up in a bad situation.
Ones you entered this area you realize how much you need to be focus any single mistake you will get stuck, a very soft sand a very close dunes you really need all your skills to survive here
I made it to the first and second check points in a good time and without any issue, but when it came to the 3rd one my problems started 🫤
My Gaia app decided to gave me hard times, it kept giving me wrong directions so I keep circling around looking for 3rd check point 😵‍💫 and it costed me too much time 😢 but the good thing in this circling tour was when I passed next to audience balcony and gave them a nice jumping show 😅( you can enjoy it too in the video at the end of my report thank you Ehab for the video 😜)
Finally I found the 3rd check point 🥵, the funny thing that I passed next to it many times put I couldn’t see it 🤪,Sorin and David told me that they saw me many times crossing next to them😆( you were really hiding well guys good job 😄)
After that I reached the 4th check point and once I finished from it I heard Daggerfall saying on the radio time almost finish we still have 5 minutes to go 😟 so I speed up to my last check point and before I reach it I got stuck 😓 I jumped out of the car with my shovel an start digging but sadly Shamsi said on the radio time finished 😢 so no need to dig more, Carlos came to me and got me out (thank you mate 🙏)
Honestly at the beginning I was really upset because I didn’t finish the game but after that I said to my self man you really did great, you finished 4 points out of 5 with your big bus it is something you have to be proud of it 😊 so after the drive I rewarded my self with a Macdonalds’ meal 😁
At the end of my report I would like to give a very big thank to everyone for this lovely evening Founder, Marshals, intermediate, Crew, challengers and audience, what a nice and lovely 2nd family we have 😇
Till next time stay safe everyone and see you soon on sand
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Amazing challenge for the newbies, very well organized event and the family spirit was indeed there. It was really an amazing festival.

Enjoy watching:

Eggs in the Basket - 2022
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One of the most fun events in the club! Whoever dared to take this challenge did really well and I am sure that they learned a lot in this event.

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Good Morning , Everyone

Drive: EIB

it was such a great chance to see what happening on that challenge to be ready for the next once

i was one of the audience and it was one of the interesting drives i saw and see how everyone react during the challenge

it was a great team work between Marshals, observers, challengers and audience and sure the media team wish deliver lot of videos and photos to us after the drive.

Thanks to every one for such experience . thumbsup

See you soon on sand

Mohamed Korym
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