Eggs in Basket - Sudden Death 4.0

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First of all to thank all the Marshalls, Observers, Time takers, Audience and Challengers that made the event possible.

Lessons learnt:

Pressure. When the egg was handed to me the 1st thought was let me think where I can keep it safe, this thought went away as soon as Shamsi shouted "go, go, run, fast!!!" that made me move without being ready, big mistake, I should have replied with a "sorry, let me find where to keep this egg safely and afterwards I will move", it was my time for me to decide how to proceed, Giorgio told me in the chat the night before "measure twice cut once", well, I should have applied it here.
SatNav. I used MotionX-GPS on my Iphone, I have been using it for some time and it has been more than enough for me to find the right direction when moving in the desert, different story yesterday, it does not indicate straight away the direction you should be heading (N-S-W-E) and you can only find out by driving in any given direction for a bit to use that as a reference for the direction you should be taken, this made me have to turn completely a couple of times, in my opinion the problem is not losing time for heading wrongly in the wrong direction if not the additional risk of getting stuck in the wrong place when turning. Conclusion: Getting a proper offroad satnav this week so I will start testing in the next drive.

My recommendation for future challengers. Small technical dunes, I know that there are sometimes what seem to look like "good paths" below across them, I personally prefer to drive them on a higher level where you have better visibility of what is ahead of you and even more important gravity is in your side to always find a way to safety. It worked well for me, well, yes, not so well for the egg.

Recommendation for next EIB. I think it would be great to have a established way for Challengers to move safely to a "viewing point" once they finish, even if it is going around back to the starting point, it looks like a fun event to watch and I would have loved to be able to.

Great opportunity for newbies like me to put a face to the names you see in the chat and/or the forum, so recommended for any Newbie to have a go at it.

Event finished with gorgeous sunset in great location with even better company, just what was needed to round up another perfect day on the sand.

See you on the next drive.
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Hello everyone

What a day ??? Action thrilling pack from 2 - 9 pm !!!

Before I start, I would like to say that I'm sorry that I didn't have the chance to sit down with our new comers who joined for audience .

The event started as usual with lining up the Challengers based on the sequence they got. They have been told what not to do otherwise they would be disqualified from the game !!!! Well it is 2020 so what makes our Marshals less surprising than what is going on????

Yes,  the marshals pulled a small trick from their sleeves " The EGG " They call the game Eggs in Basket for a reason!!!

I will keep the rest for the above part for the others and carry on to my best part. :mrgreen:

The sitting after the event was the cherry on top of the cake. Finally, the season is back where had the chance to sit down,  filled the desert with our waves of laughter and sharing and caring.

Thanks to all the Marshals for making sure that everyone was safe and sound. Thanks to observers and time takers, without you this event wouldn't be successful.

Special thanks to @osman for the food and the super sweet person " @Gabor " for the ice tea, I wouldn't survive the day without your treat

Congratulations for all the challengers, you learned something new in this event .

Till next time, Stay Safe and keep the sand flying

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Amazing fun, with this long awaited event.

I wanted to plan everything in advance and arrived prepared: I checked previous editions, youtube videos, read posts in the forum, but could not find any leak about the location. No way to practice in advance.

I decided to drive using my iPhone with Compass 55 app: tested a couple of times (not in the middle of nowhere) and worked pretty well. As a backup, I prepared my waypoints also on the car GPS.

While approaching the starting line I realised that it was a steep dune: pay attention Marco, or you'll risk to get stuck even before starting. I lowered the right window, just as a courtesy to greet @alshamsi_m : he put his arm inside and yelled at me "do you know the rules? take it and do not break it or you'll be disqualified. Go go go!".

WTF?!? He gave me an egg! It was a total surprise (and an act of cruelty from a man with evil inside :grin: ) I did not know what to do and kept it in my right hand for a few minutes, driving with the left hand only. Then I realised that I had a couple of T-shirts and wrapped it in them to keep it safe.

My iPhone GPS went immediately crazy: I was following the compass, but the distance from the waypoint was increasing. Something was clearly wrong, so I reverted to my car GPS: no course line and I had to watch carefully to follow the right direction. Finally I reached my first point, but @Petr try to fool me: "yes, this is the orange point, but you have to go the yellow one first, sorry". How is that possible? I have been so careful in inserting the coordinates and mark them with the proper order. I was right and came back to collect my first ticket.

Then I moved on to the second and then third point: I could not clearly understand where it was and got confused by the audience sitting there, so after a couple of circles around I stopped near the evil man ( @alshamsi_m ), expecting that he was the observer: my bad, I got stuck. Started digging, it was hot and it would clearly take a lot of time. Luckily @Germain was around and pulled me out. I was tired and fatigued, found my third point and moved to the fourth one: too tired and I was out of breath.

Immediately after I got stuck again: this time @kriskian saved me. Took a deep breath and move on. Then I found @Cyndi who was stuck on a dune: my time to return the favour to a poor and lost soul.

Finally I reached the fifth and final points.

Overall, a challenging but fun event. I was fully drained and took me a while to recover.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to the marshals and the organisers.

PS probably the landscape orientation of my iPhone made it crazy. My friend @Giovanni using the same setup in portrait orientation did not have a single issue and won the game. To be tested next time in the sand.
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Dear @mpodroid

Just remember
What doesn't kill you, make you stronger
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"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth"
Mike Tyson

EIB is one of the nicest drives we have!

For many is the first time driving without a bumper ahead of them... when you include a technical area and the GPS, is a great experience!

Everyone did great, with a much above average number of drivers finishing it, congrats to you all!
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Hi everyone,

EIB, the drive I was waiting for since I witnessed last year's edition finally arrived and I was very happy to be able to participate as a challenger. I was a bit too confident and relaxed before the drive started and that proved to be my undoing.

Having a new GPS device, I entered the coordinates in the wrong order so I actually visited all Points and learned who's who before reaching the correct first Point :lol: :lol: :lol:

On top of that the surprise actual egg that was given to everybody at the start point, which I placed on the seat next to me and then lost sight of it, dealt me the finishing blow because it dissapeared under the seat and when Giorgio asked me for it, it was cracked in a few places (not broken but cracked :grin: )

The area itself was pretty familiar to me so it didn't pose much of a challenge, but as we live and learn, overconfidence and lack of focus are also things that can ruin a plan.

But as the marshals said, its not a win or lose drive, it's a fun activity and being part of it certainly made my day.

After the event ended, my clutch pedal decided to play some tricks on me and I enlisted Abu Jimmy's help to push my car while in first gear to get it started and I drove it out to the main road where after a while the clutch pedal started to function normally again. (this car is haunted :lol: ) I decided not to risk it so I took a tow-truck home.

Thanks to the organizers, Observers, Time-Takers, Challengers and Audience, great times together

Have a great week ahead.
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Eggs in a Basket 4.0

This is the 3rd time I participated in this game. 1st time I was a participant as a newbie where i had the luck to get stuck 2 dunes before the end point (love you @Phoenix ) but manage to finish the challenge thanks to the help I received from @SINGH.
2nd time I was an observer at point 3 (if i am not mistaken). That was alot of fun as i was in the game and able to watch the action.
This time I was a time taker at the end point which was less thrilling. Been at the you have no direct access to the action. Your only source of updates is the radio and few comments from the drivers that arrive sporadically. Another negative part is that you are nailed to one spot from the beginning to the end of the game not been able to go even for a technical break.

Been the end point thought is not all that bad. It is the only point that the drivers arrive and you can see them releasing their stress realizing that this is the end of the drive.

The last moment trick that the marshal's pulled,( handing an egg to the competitor's) was in deed a game changer and it did claim its victims. Worth mentioning that none of the contenders remember to hand in the egg at the meeting point. I had to request it from every single driver.

Most of the drivers who arrived to the end point were bitten up tired and kind of lost. After handing over the egg and the paperwork and receiving the ok that the game is now over for them they all show a relief in their face.

Lessons learned: Recalling my egg in a basket challenge, I clearly remember that this was the first event that was my benchmark of my progress as an off roader from day one till the beginning of the challenge/game.

I am sure if not all of you, at least most of you for a first time you had the chance to experience the aim of the challenge which is MULTITASKING . Think about it for a second

a) Entering data on the GPS
b) An unexpected surprise (egg) the last moment which increased the pressure to you
c) highly technical terrain that demanded focus
d) no lead car. You have to pick your own lines
e) GPS navigation. Keeping an eye on the GPS and the sand is not that easy as it sounds
f) self recovery ( challenging your stamina and technique).
g) Decision making ( a friend is stuck what do I do? Do I help ? Do I continue? Do I pretend I did not see them? )

Putting all this together you get the aim of the challenge.

Finishing the game or not, been first or last, broken egg or not is a secondary fact.

The matter of fact is the I am 100% sure that all contenders driving back home where thinking. MEN I AM GETTING GOOD AT THIS.

Closing my report I would like to congratulate all members support and participants as well as the cooks @osman @Petr @David that shared delicious grill delicacies while we were enjoying the sunset.

Till next time be safe and looking forward to see you all again.
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Hi Almosters,

It was another great day!. Egg Basket event was the first event that I participated as an audience after I joined to the club so it has a special place in my memories. I was hooked by then and I remember how I wait for the next Club member drive to be able to start driving . :;^^:

Competition aspect of the event creates the environment allows to test if you can perform under pressure and its fun but my humble advice on what to take from this event is to learn how to master your GPS device. Don't leave it aside after this event and keep using it on the next drives even if you are following.

It will increase your situational awareness and you will never know when you might find your self in a situation you need to depend on that knowledge.

Looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming events .

See you!
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giorgio wrote: Sun Sep 27, 2020 9:27 am Eggs in a Basket 4.0

This is the 3rd time I participated in this game. 1st time I was a participant as a newbie where i had the luck to get stuck 2 dunes before the end point (love you @Phoenix ) but manage to finish the challenge thanks to the help I received from @SINGH.
why do i get the feeling that you will never let this go and i will never hear the end of it.
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Phoenix wrote: Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:04 am
giorgio wrote: Sun Sep 27, 2020 9:27 am Eggs in a Basket 4.0

This is the 3rd time I participated in this game. 1st time I was a participant as a newbie where i had the luck to get stuck 2 dunes before the end point (love you @Phoenix ) but manage to finish the challenge thanks to the help I received from @SINGH.
why do i get the feeling that you will never let this go and i will never hear the end of it.
because it will never going to go away
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